May 11, 2021
0 minutes to read

What's coming in CMap Summer 2021?

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CMap Summer 2021 Release

The new CMap Summer 2021 release is rapidly approaching, so we thought we'd give you a quick overview of what's coming your way...

Over the coming weeks, we'll go into more depth on each functional area to help you prepare for launch.

In the meantime, here's a quick overview of what CMap Summer 2021 has in store for you!

Multi-page dashboards

This is a popular request that we're sure is going to go down a storm!

Thanks to Report Builder, it’s never been easier to build a compelling dashboard. However, for people who wear multiple hats—e.g. they’re responsible for sales, project management, mentorship of staff, management, etc.—the dashboard can become quite busy.

In order to help people better rationalise their dashboard, we’re introducing the concept of multi-page dashboards.  

This means people could have a “Sales” dashboard, a “Finance” dashboard, a “HR” dashboard, etc., etc., each with dashboard boxes specific to that area.

Editions: All
Plans: All

Sales matrix report

It’s common knowledge that it’s easier to sell to existing clients than to prospects. CMap stores all the data you need in order to identify cross-selling opportunities i.e. the clients you’ve sold to, the types of services they’ve bought and, consequently, the services they haven’t bought.

The new Sales Matrix Report will pull that data together, enabling you to identify where there are gaps and, consequently, potential opportunities to cross-sell additional services to existing clients.

This is set to become one of the hottest standard reports in CMap and we’re confident it will help shape your strategic target setting in the future.

Editions: All
Plans: All

Documents at the company level

For customers that are using the standalone Documents module, we have good news. As of Summer 2021, not only will you be able to store documents at the individual project-level, you’ll also be able to store documents at the company-level.

This has been a hugely popular request for clients using this functionality, and it opens up the ability for you to store things like frameworks, master service agreements, etc., in the most logical place: the client-level.

Editions: All
Plans: Add-on

Grid improvements

The "grids" have become an integral part of CMap since their launch into the product several years ago, enabling you to interrogate and view contact, project and people data in useful ways.

We've had a lot of feedback relating to how we could take the grid functionality further, so we hope that you'll be pleased to hear that we're going to be adding in a number of upgrades to enhance the functionality.

Editions: All
Plans: All

New add-on

We’re excited to announce the launch of a new add-on. More will be revealed over the coming weeks, so keep your eyes peeled!

But, to give you a little teaser, it's called: "Portfolios".

Editions: All
Plans: Add-on

Preparing for launch

Over the coming weeks, we'll be sharing movies and guides so you can delve into how the new functionality will work and plan how you're going to take full advantage of it in your company.

Our Customer Success team will also be on hand to provide any help you might need as you're figuring things out.

In the meantime, if you have any questions don't hesitate to get in touch!